// source --> http://beunlike.com/wp-content/plugins/tapatalk/smartbanner/appbanner.js //add document ready function var add_app_event = function(fn){ if(document.addEventListener){ document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(){ document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",arguments.callee,false); fn(); },false); } } // ---- params check ---- if (typeof(app_api_key) == "undefined") var app_api_key = ''; if (typeof(app_ios_id) == "undefined") var app_ios_id = ''; if (typeof(app_android_id) == "undefined") var app_android_id = ''; if (typeof(app_kindle_url) == "undefined") var app_kindle_url = ''; if (typeof(is_byo) == "undefined") var is_byo = 0; if (typeof(tapatalk_dir_name) == "undefined") var tapatalk_dir_name = 'mobiquo'; if (typeof(app_forum_name) == "undefined" || !app_forum_name) { var app_forum_name = "this forum"; } if (typeof(app_location_url) == "undefined" || !app_location_url) var app_location_url = "tapatalk://"; var app_deep_link = app_location_url.replace('tapatalk://', ''); // ---- smartbanner display start---- // make sure all variables are defined if (typeof(is_mobile_skin) == "undefined") var is_mobile_skin = false; if (typeof(app_board_url) == "undefined") var app_board_url = ''; if (typeof(app_banner_message) == "undefined" || !app_banner_message) var app_banner_message = "Follow {your_forum_name}
with {app_name} for [os_platform]"; if (typeof(app_banner_view_button) == "undefined" || !app_banner_view_button) var app_banner_view_button = "VIEW"; var app_location_url_byo = app_location_url.replace('tapatalk://', 'tapatalk-byo://'); // set default iOS app for native smart banner var app_ios_id_default = '307880732'; // Tapatalk Free, 585178888 for Tapatalk Pro var app_ios_hd_id_default = '307880732'; // Tapatalk Free, 481579541 for Tapatalk HD // Support native iOS Smartbanner var native_ios_banner = false; if (app_ios_id != '-1' && navigator.userAgent.match(/Safari/i) != null && (typeof(app_banner_enable) == "undefined" || app_banner_enable) && (navigator.userAgent.match(/CriOS/i) == null && window.Number(navigator.userAgent.substr(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('OS ') + 3, 3).replace('_', '.')) >= 6)) { banner_location_url = app_ios_id ? app_location_url_byo : app_location_url; if (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) != null) { document.write(''); native_ios_banner = true; } else if (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod|iPhone/i) != null) { document.write(''); native_ios_banner = true; } } // initialize app download url if (is_byo) { var app_install_url = 'https://tapatalk.com/m/?id=6'; if (app_ios_id) app_install_url = app_install_url+'&app_ios_id='+app_ios_id; if (app_android_id) app_install_url = app_install_url+'&app_android_id='+app_android_id; if (app_kindle_url) app_install_url = app_install_url+'&app_kindle_url='+app_kindle_url; if (app_board_url) app_install_url = app_install_url+'&referer='+app_board_url; } else var app_install_url = 'https://tapatalk.com/m/?id=6&referer='+encodeURIComponent(app_deep_link); // for those forum system which can not add js in html body add_app_event(tapatalkDetectAfterLoad) var bannerLoaded = false var bannerScale var bannerHeight var tapatalk_logo_height function tapatalkDetectAfterLoad() { tapatalkDetect(true) } function tapatalkDetect(afterLoad) { if(bannerLoaded) return; var standalone = navigator.standalone // Check if it's already a standalone web app or running within a web ui view of an app (not mobile safari) var is_android = false; var is_ios = false; var is_wp = false; // work only when browser support cookie if (!navigator.cookieEnabled || (typeof(app_banner_enable) !== "undefined" && !app_banner_enable) || bannerLoaded || standalone || document.cookie.indexOf("banner-closed=true") >= 0 || native_ios_banner) return bannerLoaded = true getBannerScale(); if(window.screen.width < 600 && app_forum_name.length > 20) { app_forum_name = "this forum"; } else if(app_forum_name.length > 40 && window.screen.width >= 600) { app_forum_name = app_forum_name.substr(0,40) + "..."; } app_banner_message = app_banner_message.replace(/\{your_forum_name\}/gi, app_forum_name); app_banner_message = app_banner_message.replace(/\{app_name\}/gi, "Tapatalk"); if (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPod/i)) { if (app_ios_id == '-1') return; app_banner_message = app_banner_message.replace(/\[os_platform\]/gi, 'iPhone'); banner_location_url = app_ios_id ? app_location_url_byo : app_location_url; is_ios = true; } else if (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i)) { if (app_ios_id == '-1') return; app_banner_message = app_banner_message.replace(/\[os_platform\]/gi, 'iPad'); banner_location_url = app_ios_id ? app_location_url_byo : app_location_url; is_ios = true; } else if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Silk|KFOT|KFTT|KFJWI|KFJWA/)) { if (app_kindle_url == '-1') return; app_banner_message = app_banner_message.replace(/\[os_platform\]/gi, 'Kindle'); banner_location_url = app_kindle_url ? app_location_url_byo : app_location_url; } else if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i)) { if (app_android_id == '-1') return; app_banner_message = app_banner_message.replace(/\[os_platform\]/gi, 'Android'); banner_location_url = app_android_id ? app_location_url_byo : app_location_url; is_android = true; } else if (navigator.userAgent.match(/IEMobile|Windows Phone/i)) { if (app_ios_id || app_android_id || app_kindle_url) return; app_banner_message = app_banner_message.replace(/\[os_platform\]/gi, 'Windows Phone'); banner_location_url = app_location_url; is_wp = true; } else return //init css style if (app_board_url == '') app_board_url = '.'; tapatalk_link = document.createElement( "link" ); tapatalk_link.href = app_board_url + '/' + tapatalk_dir_name + '/smartbanner/appbanner.css'; tapatalk_link.type = "text/css"; tapatalk_link.rel = "stylesheet"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(tapatalk_link); style_mobile_banner = 'position:fixed;margin:0;padding:0;top:0;left:0;right:0;width:100%;font-size:1em;z-index:2147483647;color:#000000; background-color: #f2f2f2;text-align:left;'; style_mobile_banner_heading = 'font-size:1.75em;padding:0;line-height:1.3em;margin:0;text-align:left;color:#000000;'; style_mobile_banner_heading_android = style_mobile_banner_heading + 'font-family: Roboto;font-weight:normal;'; style_mobile_banner_heading_ios = style_mobile_banner_heading + 'font-family: Helvetica;font-weight:normal;'; style_mobile_banner_app_desc = 'font-family: Roboto;font-size:1.75em;font-weight:300;color:#000000;'; style_mobile_banner_app_desc_ios = style_mobile_banner_app_desc + 'font-family: Helvetica;font-size:1.75em;font-weight:300;color:#000000;' style_mobile_banner_open = 'background-color:#32c7e7;color:#ffffff;font-family: Roboto;'; style_mobile_banner_open_ios = 'background-color:#f2f2f2;color:#007aff;font-family: Helvetica;border:1px solid #007aff;'; bodyItem = document.body appBanner = document.createElement("div") appBanner.id = "tt_mobile_banner" if(is_android) { //class_ext = '_android'; app_desc = 'FREE - on Google Play'; var css = '@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:100,100italic,300,300italic,400,400italic,500,500italic,700,700italic,900,900italic&subset=latin,latin-ext,cyrillic,cyrillic-ext,greek-ext,greek,vietnamese);' + '@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto+Condensed:300,300italic,400,400italic,700,700italic&subset=latin,latin-ext,cyrillic-ext,cyrillic,greek-ext,greek,vietnamese);' + '@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto+Slab:400,100,300,700&subset=latin,latin-ext,greek-ext,greek,vietnamese,cyrillic,cyrillic-ext);'; tapatalk_style = document.createElement('style'); tapatalk_head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0], tapatalk_style.type = 'text/css'; if (tapatalk_style.styleSheet) { tapatalk_style.styleSheet.cssText = css; } else { tapatalk_style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); } tapatalk_head.appendChild(tapatalk_style); style_mobile_banner_heading = style_mobile_banner_heading_android } else if(is_ios) { //class_ext = '_ios'; app_desc = 'FREE - on App Store'; style_mobile_banner_heading = style_mobile_banner_heading_ios; style_mobile_banner_app_desc = style_mobile_banner_app_desc_ios; style_mobile_banner_open = style_mobile_banner_open_ios; } else if(is_wp) { //class_ext = '_wp'; app_desc = 'FREE - on WP App Store'; } else { //class_ext = '' } appBanner.className = 'mobile_banner_tt'; appBanner.style = style_mobile_banner; if(!isMobileStyle()) { tapatalk_logo_height = 8 * 8 * bannerScale; appBanner.innerHTML = '' + ''+ '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '' + '' + '' + ''+ ''+ '' + ''+ ''+ '' + ''+ ''+ '' + '
' + '
'+ '
' + '
'+ '
' + '
'+ '
' + '
' + ''+ app_banner_view_button +''+ '
'; bannerHeight = tapatalk_logo_height + 3 * 8 * bannerScale; } else { tapatalk_logo_height = 8 * 8 * bannerScale * 0.67; bannerHeight = tapatalk_logo_height + 1.5 * 8 * bannerScale; appBanner.innerHTML = '' + ''+ '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '' + '' + '' + ''+ ''+ '' + ''+ ''+ '' + ''+ ''+ '' + '
' + '
'+ '
' + '
'+ '
' + '
'+ '
' + '
' + ''+ app_banner_view_button +''+ '
'; } bodyItem.insertBefore(appBanner, bodyItem.firstChild) setFontSize(1) resetBannerStyle(); if(navigator.userAgent.match(/chrome/i) && is_android) { open_or_install_button = document.getElementById("mobile_banner_open"); version = parseInt(window.navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)\./i)[1], 10); if(version > 25) { // banner_location_url = "intent://scan/#Intent;scheme=" + banner_location_url + ";package=com.quoord.tapatalkpro.activity;end"; banner_location_url = banner_location_url.replace(/^tapatalk:\/\//i, ''); banner_location_url = "intent://" + banner_location_url + "#Intent;scheme=tapatalk;package=com.quoord.tapatalkpro.activity;end"; open_or_install_button.href = banner_location_url; } } //Detect whether device supports orientationchange event, otherwise fall back to var supportsOrientationChange = "onorientationchange" in window, orientationEvent = supportsOrientationChange ? "orientationchange" : "resize"; window.addEventListener(orientationEvent, function() { getBannerScale(); tapatalk_logo_height = 8 * 8 * bannerScale; setFontSize(1); bannerLogo = document.getElementById("mobile_banner_logo_img"); bannerDiv = document.getElementById("banner_div_empty"); bannerLogo.style.height = tapatalk_logo_height + 'px'; bannerHeight = appBanner.clientHeight; bannerDiv.style.height = bannerHeight + "px"; }); if (typeof onTapatalkBannerShow == 'function') { onTapatalkBannerShow(); } } function setFontSize(Scale) { if (bannerScale > 1) { appBanner.style.fontSize = (8*bannerScale*Scale)+"px"; tables = appBanner.getElementsByTagName("table"); for(var i=0;i < tables.length;i++){ table = tables[i]; table.style.fontSize = (8*bannerScale*Scale)+"px"; tds = table.getElementsByTagName("td"); for(var j=0;j < tds.length;j++){ tds[j].style.fontSize = (8*bannerScale*Scale)+"px"; } } } } function getBannerScale() { bannerScale = document.body.clientWidth / window.screen.width if(bannerScale == 1 || isMobileStyle()) { bannerScale = 1.5; return; } if (bannerScale < 1.5 || (is_mobile_skin && navigator.userAgent.match(/mobile/i))) bannerScale = 1.5; // mobile portrait mode may need bigger scale if (window.innerWidth < window.innerHeight) { if (bannerScale < 2.0 && !is_mobile_skin && document.body.clientWidth > 600) { bannerScale = 1.5 } else if(bannerScale < 2.5) { bannerScale = 2.0 } } else { if (navigator.userAgent.match(/mobile/i) && bannerScale < 1.5 && !is_mobile_skin && document.body.clientWidth > 600) { bannerScale = 1.5 } } if(bannerScale > 2.5) bannerScale = 2.5; } function isMobileStyle() { /*check if is mobile style*/ metas = document.getElementsByTagName( "meta" ); var is_mobile_style = false for(i = 0; i < metas.length; i++) { if(metas[i].name && metas[i].name.toLowerCase() == 'viewport' ) { meta_content = metas[i].content; re = /width\s?=\s?device\-width/i; if((re.test(meta_content))) { is_mobile_style = true; } } } if(document.body.clientWidth < 600) { is_mobile_style = true; } return is_mobile_style; } function openOrInstall() { iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.id = 'open_in_app'; document.body.insertBefore(iframe, bodyItem.firstChild); iframe.style.display = "none"; iframe.src = banner_location_url; setTimeout(function(){ window.location.href = app_install_url; },1); } function resetBannerTop() { if (getComputedStyle(bodyItem, null).position !== 'static' || document.getElementById('google_translate_element')) appBanner.style.top = '-'+bannerTop } function closeBanner() { bannerDiv = document.getElementById("banner_div_empty"); bodyItem.removeChild( appBanner ); bodyItem.removeChild( bannerDiv ); setBannerCookies('banner-closed', 'true', 90); if (typeof onTapatalkBannerClosed == 'function') { onTapatalkBannerClosed(); } } function setBannerCookies(name, value, exdays) { var exdate = new Date(); exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate()+exdays); value=escape(value)+((exdays==null)?'':'; expires='+exdate.toUTCString()); document.cookie=name+'='+value+'; path=/;'; } add_app_event(gestureChangeListener); function gestureChangeListener() { appBanner = document.getElementById("tt_mobile_banner"); if(appBanner == undefined) { return; } document.addEventListener("touchmove", touchMove, false); document.addEventListener("touchend", touchEnd, false); touchEnd(); } function touchMove() { touchEnd(); } function touchEnd() { resetBannerStyle(); } function resetBannerStyle() { appBanner = document.getElementById("tt_mobile_banner"); if(appBanner == undefined) { return; } Scale = window.innerWidth / document.body.clientWidth ; if(Scale > 1) { Scale = 1; } setFontSize(Scale); newBannerHeight = bannerHeight * Scale; bannerDiv = document.getElementById("banner_div_empty"); bannerLogo = document.getElementById("mobile_banner_logo_img"); bannerLogo.style.height = tapatalk_logo_height * Scale + 'px'; if(bannerDiv == undefined) { bannerDiv = document.createElement("div"); bannerDiv.style.margin = 0; bannerDiv.style.padding = 0; bannerDiv.id = "banner_div_empty"; document.body.insertBefore(bannerDiv, bodyItem.firstChild); } bannerDiv.style.height = newBannerHeight + "px"; };